Пощенска банка подкрепя българските предприемачи с потенциал за глобален растеж


Investor, Digest, 14.08.2019

Пощенска банка и глобалната мрежа Endeavor подават ръка на предприемачите у нас, които искат да развиват компаниите си на световно ниво. Те ще могат да се включат в 4-месечната програма Dare to Scale – първата по рода си програма за растеж в България, която е насочена към бизнеси, които вече са преминали ранната фаза на своето развитие и са в началото на разрастване на дейността си. Пилотният проект e подкрепен и от Скейл Фокус и Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия.

“Ние от Пощенска банка се включваме с много очаквания в този нов и много амбициозен проект и като партньор на Ендевър България предстои да селектираме най-добрите разрастващи се компании и да им предоставим своите ноу-хау, експертиза и финансиране. Искаме да дадем шанс за развитие на перспективни scale-up компании – като част от корпоративната визия на Пощенска банка да инвестира целенасочено в бизнес средата у нас. Реализираме заедно с нашите клиенти успешно техните идеи, предоставяме им финансови решения за ефективен бизнес растеж“, каза Петя Димитрова, главен изпълнителен директор на Пощенска банка, по време на събитието за представяне на проекта.

Програмата е разработена за предприемачи от всички сфери на икономиката и всички региони в България. Условието е да имат свой вече доказан продукт или услуга на пазара, да са реализирали оборот от поне 200 000 лв. за 2018 г. и най-важното – бизнесът им да е с потенциал за глобален растеж. Могат да се включат както компании, работещи от години, така и такива, които са стартирали сравнително скоро. В програмата ще бъдат селектирани до 10 компании, които от септември до декември 2019 г. ще преминат през специализирани обучения и интерактивни сесии, водени от успешни предприемачи и лидери от мрежата на Ендевър.



The finnanciai institution has been providing efficient support for years to support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in our country

Investor, Digest | 14.08.2019 | 00:01

Postbank, legally registered as Eurobank Bulgaria AD, is the fifth bank in Bulgaria in terms of assets. The bank has a 28-year presence among the leaders on the Bulgarian banking market. It has a wide branch network across the country, considerable customer base of individual customers, companies and institutions and modern alternative banking channels. Postbank has been a leading factor in the innovations and a trend setter in the country’s banking sector in recent years and has been awarded for its innovations many times.

We are meeting each day young people with ideas for their own business, aspiration for making it a successful one and an ambition to develop it – not only on the Bulgarian market, but on a global scale as well. However, they need a trusted partner, good support and additional resources, in order for them to take full advantage of all existing opportunities, to make this business a winning, stable and competitive one. To transform it into a business that is to change the environment in Bulgaria towards the better, to create new jobs and added value.


Postbank and the Endeavor global network is offering its help to the entrepreneurs in our country, who want to develop their companies on a global level. They will be able to engage in the 4-month Dare to Scale programme – the first programme for growth in Bulgaria of this type, which is aimed at businesses that have already moved beyond the early phase of their development and are at the begining of the expension of their activities. The pilot project is supported by ScaleFocus and the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

“We, Postbank, are joining with many expectations in this new and very ambitious project and as a partner of Endeavor Bulgaria we are to select the best growing companies and to provide them with our know-how, expertise and funding. We want to give perspective scale-up companies a chance at development, as a part of the corporate vision of Postbank to make targeted investments in the business environment in our country. We, together with our clients, are realizing successfully their ideas, we are providing them with financial solutions for efficient business growth”, Petia Dimitrova, Chief executive officer of Postbank, said during the event for presenting of the project.


The programme was developed for entrepreneurs from all fields of the economy and all regions in Bulgaria. The precondition is for them to have their own already proven product or service on the market, to have realized a turnover of at least 200 000 BGN for 2018 and the most important thing – their business to be one with a potential for global growth. Both companies that have been operating for years, and the ones that have started comparatively soon, may participate. Up to 10 companies will be selected in the programme, which from September until December 2019 will go through specialized trainings and interactive sessions, conducted by successful entrepreneurs and leaders from Endeavor’s network.

“We are heading precisely for the scale-up companies, because in our opinion they are not receiving enough support – as opposed to the start-up companies, which are targets of a high level of interest to various participants in the market and the large acknowledged companies, which have enough resources of their own and opportunities for growth. By supporting talented people, we are helping them change the environment in Bulgaria. We are seeing many young firms, which are surprising us with their innovative business ideas and we want to be their mentor and financial partner. We are looking for perspective ideas and people with enthusiasm and knowledge for their realization”, commented from Postbank.


The participants in the programme may benefit from yet another advantage – with the right mentors they will gain access to a unique know-how of acknowledged international companies, they will take advantage of the good and already tested market practice of the partner companies, a wide network of contacts, they will obtain knowledge of the organisational structure and vision of the leading institutions in our country. And the most important thing – they will be a part of a business and social community with high standards and expertise.

For Postbank, which is setting the trends on the market in our country and is introducing innovations in favour of the customers, the participation in the programme is a part of its sustainable policy for corporate social responsibility. The company has for years been encouraging the bold ideas, both in the bank and outside it – each year its employees are making proposals for innovations as part of the internal “Ideas” initiative, with the best among them being awarded prizes and put into practice. The bank very recently started a long-term project with SoftUni as well, in order for young people to be able to prepare themselves more successfully for the professions of the future and for realization in Bulgaria. And now, with Endeavor’s programme, entrepreneurs may have the opportunity of transforming from creators of a good idea into creators of a more successful company.
